Sunday, December 12, 2010

Round V

Final round!

1. FESfWBlind (4.0) 1-0 Blinddrinkeh (4.0)
2. BlindBoedi (2.0) 0-1 Blindjoddle (4.0)
3. BlindOsaridSaris (2.0) 0-1 BlindMaras (3.5)
4. Blindnham (3.0) 1-0 blindthehippo (0.5)
5. jonesBlind (1.5) 1-0 blindpchesso (1.0)

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Round IV

Sorry for the delay, I eventually set the result on the last board.

1. Blinddrinkeh (4.0) 1-0 Blindjoddle (3.0)
2. FESfWBlind (3.0) 1-0 BlindBoedi (2.0)
3. BlindMaras (2.5) 1-0 Blindnham (2.0)
4. jonesBlind (0.5) 0-1 BlindOsaridSaris (2.0)
5. blindpchesso (1.0) 1-0 blindthehippo (0.5)

Friday, November 5, 2010

Round III

Update: Please refrain from playing the game yet, due to unforseen circumstances new pairings will be posted by the end of the week.

Update 2: After some consideration, it seems but reasonable to concur with TL's expertise on invalidating Kyuuketsuki's results. Boedi and myself hereby get accredited the win (which resulted in new pairings).
Ismirdochegal (having anticipated this event) decided himself to withdraw from the competition, as to even out the playercount again.

We're now basically back on scheme again(Round 4 theoretically starts Nov 26).

1. BlindBoedi (2.0) 0-1 Blinddrinkeh (3.0)
2. Blindjoddle (3.0) 1-0 BlindMaras (1.5)
3. BlindOsaridSaris (1.0) 0-1 FESfWBlind (2.0)
4. Blindnham (2.0)1-0 blindpchesso (0.0)
5. blindthehippo (0.5) i/2-i/2 jonesBlind (0.5)

Monday, October 25, 2010

Round II

TL-players probably have probably received a similar message, but as a reminder don't forget to take daylight savings into account when scheduling the game (so far everyone seems to have done so -> excellent!).
Daylight saving ends in Europe this weekend (on Sunday, October 31st). So, server times will effectively be one hour later than normal there.
Daylight savings ends in the USA (where the server resides for FICS), Sunday, the 7th of November at 02:00 PDT (which will become 01:00 PST).
When in doubt, check on FICS using the "date" command.

1. BlindKyuuketsuki (2.0) 1-0 Blinddrinkeh (1.0) [35 35]
2. FESfWBlind (1.0) 0-1 Blindjoddle (2.0) [35 35]
3. BlindSmirdo (1.5) 1/2-1/2 BlindMaras (1.5) [35 35]
4. blindpchesso (0.0) 0-1 BlindBoedi (1.0) [45 45]
5. jonesBlind (0.0) 0-1 Blindnham (1.0) [35 35]
6. blindthehippo (0.0) 0-1 BlindOsaridSaris (1.0) [35 35]

Friday, October 15, 2010

Round I

Here's the pairings for our first round, start scheduling guys.

1. BlindBoedi (0.0) 0-1 BlindKyuuketsuki (1.0) [35 35]
2. Blindjoddle (1.0) 1-0 jonesBlind (0.0) [35 35]
3. BlindOsaridSaris (0.0) 0-1 BlindSmirdo (1.0) [35 35]
4. Blinddrinkeh (1.0) 1-0 blindpchesso (0.0) [35 45]
5. Blindnham (0.0) 0-1 FESfWBlind (1.0) [35 35]
6. BlindMaras (1.0) 1-0 blindthehippo (0.0)

You can use the comment section to announce time and result (ideally use: "Comment as ... Name/URL" and leave your handle).

Don't forget to use the "w" (white) or "b" (black) when challenging your opponent (for instance: "match BlindEvink 35 35 w").

Sunday, October 10, 2010


Entering the tournament is possible up to Oct 15 11:30.

Current participants (with estimated seed):
1. BlindKyuuketsuki
2. Blindjoddle
3. BlindSmirdo
4. Blinddrinkeh
5. FESfWBlind
6. BlindMaras
7. BlindBoedi
8. jonesBlind
9. BlindOsaridSaris
10. blindpchesso
11. Blindnham
12. blindthehippo

Friday, October 1, 2010

Specifications (2)

Detailed guideluines for BB#2

Pairings will be announced here on the blog. You have 2 weeks to play the game, try to have it scheduled before the end of the first week. Use messages on fics to communicate with your opponent, make sure you are talking about the same timezone ("date" will show you server time).
I cannot follow this process, so let me know if your opponent is not responding (please do check your messages frequently). Also you can let us know here on the blog when you're due to play, so that others can have a look at it.
Also discuss the time controls if wanted, otherwise use 35 35.
Pairings will be announced every other Friday around 12:00 (starting this week).
Start dates of the rounds are: Oct 15, Oct 29, Nov 12, Nov 26 and Dec 9.
Be sure to join before Friday 11:30 (watch out, I had put Saturdays initially).

-time controls: By default 35 35, but open for discussion. Time or inc should be 25 or higher.
-noescape: Don't forget to turn this off (it seems to me we want to avoid losing/winning a blindfold game by disconnection, as it's too big an investment of time and energy). If necessary try to resume as soon as possible; adjourned game situations will have to be looked at individually.
-board: You can look at an empty board if preferred, the key idea is obviously that you don't see the pieces.

*Bye request:
I think I'll disable this option from now on. Two weeks should be enough to play the game and without bye requests pairings are much easier. Last time it wasn't too popular anyway.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

BB #2

Blind Bandits is returning to the scene! Round 1 starting at Oct 16.
I copied some stuff from earlier posts, not much has chanced anyway.

Though initially set up for TeamLeague, this platform is now surving a new purpose. Rather than trying to fill up whole team competition, an individual blindfold tourney will be held throughout the next couple of months. The format will still be similar, but less tight.

The intention is to play 5 rounds of 35 35, with 1 game every two weeks - this should leave plenty of time for you to schedule something with your opponent. Also I don't mean to be too strict on time controls, it is open for discussion along with the date. However, in the spirit of standard chess, time or increment should be 25 or higher (for instance 10 25 or 25 5 are fine too, or even the 45 45 as in TL). 35 35 is merely the compromis in case no arrangement can be found.

Those that want to be listed already can let me know, and don't forget to spread the word a bit.


Thanks all for playing in the tournament - I could hardly have wished for fairer participants. Running it was simply a pleasure.

I'll add the final scores here, but I guess you've all figured out:
Having scored quite an impressive 4.5 out of 5, crazyblue is the winner of the very first BlindBandits tournament!

1. crazyblue (4.5)
2. Boedi, FeSfW and Maras (3.5)
5. drinkeh (3.0)
6. Thingummywut (2.5)
7. jones and pchesso (2.0)
9. thehippo (1.5)
10. OsaridSaris (1.0)

withdrew: sangalla

PS: Sorry for the late update, I put this aside for a while as there was no real deadline.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Intermezzo: TL?

I saw OsaridSaris wondering whether we should try blindfolded Teamleague again, so I'll add this extra post in case you want to share some opinions on it. Here's mine:
I'd still be glad to blend in with the regular guys, not necessarily teaming up with other blind accounts even. It'd be quite a disadvantage like this, so I don't really see how that'd be bothering others (but I feel somehow it does).
Also I think going for a complete blindfolded section is definitally too early. There's simply not enough people that want to make this kind of commitment at this point and others are not even able or allowed (I do agree with the 20 games minimum of the TL guys). And honestly, even 3 teams will in my opinion not suffise for any decent competition.
Apart from that I should also mention I will probably not compete in any TL for a while, blindfolded or not. I do however intend to run more tournaments like this one, after a break of a couple of months. More updates will follow on this blog, I'd say BB #2 will start Friday Oct 8 for now.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Round 4

It would seem jones and thehippo have not done the greatest job in getting their round 3 game scheduled. I'm willing to give them the rest of the weekend to play the game, so this will probably result in a delay of +- 2 days. Please try to work out things a bit faster in the future - I'd like to avoid setting draws as much as possible.
As a reminder, the fifth (and last round) is scheduled to start June 18 - or, if necessary, a couple of days later. It is only fair we get a full 2 weeks to play the games.
Those that want to request a bye for round 4 should probably inform me by tomorrow (Sat) 13:00, as I will try to post the pairings as soon as I see a result for the remaining game.

Long story short ... I've set a draw and here are the current pairings:

BlindBoedi (3.5) 1/2-1/2 BlindMaras (3.0)
Blindpchesso (2.0) 0-1 Blindcrazyblue (3.5)
FeSfWBlind (2.5) 1-0 Blindthehippo (1.5)
Blinddrinkeh (1.5) - Blindsangalla (1.0)
jonesBlind (2.0) 1-0 BlindOsaridSaris (0.0)

Bye(R): BlindThingummywut (1.5)

Friday, May 21, 2010

Round 3

I'll post the pairings for the third round with a couple of hours delay today(probably around 14:00). Those that would like a bye should best inform by say 12:30.

Blindpchesso (2.0) 0-1 BlindBoedi (3.0) [45 45]
BlindMaras (2.5) 1-0 BlindThingummywut (1.0) [35 35]
Blindsangalla (1.0) 0-1 Blindcrazyblue (2.5) [45 45]
Blindthehippo (1.5) 1/2-1/2 jonesBlind (1.0) [not played]
BlindOsaridSaris (0.0) 0-1 FeSfWBlind (1.5) [35 35]

Bye(R): Blinddrinkeh (1.5)

Friday, May 7, 2010

Sunday, April 18, 2010


[Updated version above]

Monday, April 5, 2010


If you'd arrive at this site from one of my channel tells or shouts on FICS, you can always drop a comment under your handle and let us know you're interested in competing. Everyone can post comments under a range of accounts btw, do leave your FICS handle with it though if possible (for instance chose "name/url").

Here's a list of players that may join so far:

BlindMaras (confirmed)
BlindBoedi (confirmed)
Blinddrinkeh (confirmed)
blindcrazyblue (confirmed)
FESfWBlind (confirmed)
BlindThingummywut (confirmed)
blindpchesso (confirmed)
blindthehippo (confirmed)
BlindOsaridSaris (confirmed)
Blindsangalla (confirmed)
jonesBlind (confirmed)

Saturday, March 6, 2010

BB #1

Though initially set up for TeamLeague, this platform is now surving a new purpose. Rather than trying to fill up whole team competition, an individual blindfold tourney will be held throughout the next couple of months. The format will still be similar, but less tight.
The intention is to play 5 rounds of 35 35, with 1 game every two weeks - this should leave plenty of time for you to schedule something with your opponent. Also I don't mean to be too strict on time controls, it is open for discussion along with the date. However, in the spirit of standard chess, time or increment should be 25 or higher (for instance 10 25 or 25 5 are fine too, or even the 45 45 as in TL). 35 35 is merely the compromis in case no arrangement can be found.
Apart from late-joining in the second round, it will also be possible to request one bye from round 1 to 4 - for those who will be too busy afterall at some point.

Current starting time = Friday, Apr 23 at 12:00 server time. This means you'd have joined the tourney by this point to play in round 1. Pairings for round 1 will appear instantly, and after that every two weeks the new pairings should be there.