Sunday, January 24, 2016

BB3 - Final standings

BB3 has now ended: 

1. BlindMaras (5)
2. jonesBlind (4)
3. blindpchesso (3)
4. BlindOsaridSaris (2)
5. Blindnham (1)
6. BYE (0)

Congrats BlindMaras and thanks everyone for participating!

Outlook: Some more Blind Bandits action later this year should be fun. For those wishing to get some quality STC games sooner, please check out Snail Bucket. Unlike Teamleague, Snail Bucket accepts Blindfold players. Start dates of the next Snail Bucket tourney have not yet been announced, though.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Pairings round 5

Update on Jan 18th:
Blindnham and BlindOsaridSaris have asked for 1 week extension to play their game.


Thank you for finishing the round 4 games again ahead of the alotted time. I suggest playing another (last) round, basically turning the Swiss into a Round Robin tournament, with the following pairings:

1. blindpchesso (3) 0-1 jonesBlind (3) [120 30]
2. BlindOsaridSaris (1) i-o Blindnham (1)
3. BlindMaras (4) - BYE

This way, everybody will have played everybody else exactly once, and everybody will have had the white and the black pieces exactly twice. You have until Monday, Jan 18th to play this game.

Have fun!