Sunday, April 18, 2010


[Updated version above]

Monday, April 5, 2010


If you'd arrive at this site from one of my channel tells or shouts on FICS, you can always drop a comment under your handle and let us know you're interested in competing. Everyone can post comments under a range of accounts btw, do leave your FICS handle with it though if possible (for instance chose "name/url").

Here's a list of players that may join so far:

BlindMaras (confirmed)
BlindBoedi (confirmed)
Blinddrinkeh (confirmed)
blindcrazyblue (confirmed)
FESfWBlind (confirmed)
BlindThingummywut (confirmed)
blindpchesso (confirmed)
blindthehippo (confirmed)
BlindOsaridSaris (confirmed)
Blindsangalla (confirmed)
jonesBlind (confirmed)