Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Pairings round 3

Both round 2 games have already been played, so I'll post round 3 pairings a bit earlier than scheduled - maybe the few extra days help some of us in view of upcoming holidays.

1. BlindMaras (2) 1-0 blindpchesso (2) [120 30]
2. BlindOsaridSaris (1) 0-1  jonesBlind (1) [120 30]
3. Blindnham (0) 1-0 BYE

If signing up quickly enough to start negotiations, the next interested FICSer (B) may become Blindnham's opponent in round 3.

1 comment:

  1. BlindMaras - blindpchesso will be played Sat, Dec 19 at 0800 FICS server time. TC: 120 30.
